In the bustling city of Pune, nestled amidst the urban sprawl, lies a haven where patients can dissolve all their fears and inhibitions associated with a visit to the dentist. Designed by Ketaki Poonawala, this space is envisioned by a young prosthodontist, eager to realise her dream of owning a practice that not only caters to dental needs but also nurtures a sense of comfort.
Located within a 1,000 sq ft residential grid apartment in a prestigious locality, surrounded by verdant trees and a blend of vernacular and modern structures, the clinic is where anxiety dissipates in the soothing ambiance.
As one steps through the doors, they are greeted by a pristine white reception area, adorned with cane and tropical upholstered chairs, setting the tone for the entire space. The design ethos revolves around a palette of grey, white and light wooden materials, accented with delicate wainscoting and crown molding, creating an atmosphere of understated elegance.
The clinic’s layout is carefully orchestrated to maximize both visual connectivity and operational efficiency. Wide windows adorned with planters usher in natural light, while a grid of beveled-edge glass partitions lends a sense of spaciousness to the otherwise narrow space. Every surface material is meticulously selected to align with stringent sanitization standards, ensuring both safety and aesthetics are seamlessly integrated.
In the two fully equipped operatories pastel peach-colored dental chairs sit beside windows adorned with planter beds, offering patients an integrated green experience and ample natural daylight. Storage space is ample, and clean worktops ensure a clutter-free environment conducive to dental procedures. Warm-toned lighting pervades the clinic, eschewing the typical starkness of medical spaces and fostering a sense of warmth and comfort.
Beyond the clinical areas, a common passage opens onto a deck adorned with raw wooden furniture and lush greenery, serving as a recreational space for both patients and staff alike. The consultant cabin, situated along the passage, reflects the doctor’s personality, exuding serenity, trendiness, and suave sophistication. Family-owned carved stone legs repurposed into a table imbue the space with emotional resonance, adding an artistic flourish to the clinic’s design language.
Accessibility and convenience are paramount considerations, with the pantry strategically located adjacent to the operatories and equipped with swing doors for ease of access. An autoclave ensures stringent sterilisation protocols are adhered to, while a floor-to-ceiling concealed cabinet stores patient records discreetly.
Throughout the clinic, pastel tones punctuated with shades of green infuse the space with a sense of calmness. From the soothing ambiance of the reception area to the functional design of the operatories, every element is carefully curated to create a sanctuary where patients can find solace amidst their dental journey. A step into this clinic and all your traditional notions of a dental facility fade.
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