
Embracing the Monday Blues: This Bengaluru office by Workshop Inc is a breathtaking fusion of nature and modern architecture

Imagine starting your workday in a tranquil setting, surrounded by lush greenery and filtered natural light. The gentle rustling of leaves and the occasional birdsong create a soothing backdrop, instantly transporting you to a realm of calm and focus. In the fast-paced world of modern office life, where deadlines loom and stress levels soar, finding solace in one’s workspace can be a rare luxury. Yet, the visionary minds at Workshop Inc, led by Keta and Varun Shah, have defied the norms by crafting an architectural masterpiece that redefines the very essence of an office space. Amidst the bustling metropolis of Bengaluru, their latest project stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to seamlessly blending nature and modern design, creating a serene oasis where productivity thrives.


From the moment you set foot on the premises, a sense of tranquility envelops you, inviting you to embark on a journey that celebrates the symbiosis between the built environment and the natural world. “Situated next to a reserved forest area, the existing site contains old warehouses, to be demolished over time, as the new buildings are constructed in two phases. After mapping the boundaries of the old and new buildings, the office was placed so that it can be retained up to the project’s completion. The architectural concept stemmed from the idea of creating a space within a lush green environment, reflecting the location of the prosed development surrounded by the reserved forest areas,” reveals the designer duo Keta and Varun.


The office is strategically positioned on a linear strip of land, divided by a primary axis into two distinct zones. At the rear, a closed mass exudes a sense of privacy and seclusion, while the front portion features an open, transparent mass, inviting visitors to experience the site’s evolution firsthand. “The cylindrical insert is a special VIP lounge that is surrounded by a lilypond and dense foliage, to facilitate private, yet candid, conversations amongst visitors,” further reveals Keta.

As you ascend the steps, you are ushered into the transparent public volume. This large, cohesive space seamlessly incorporates the reception area, a welcoming waiting lounge, and a captivating model showcasing the entire development. Structurally and functionally divided into three bays, three large circular light fixtures gracefully punctuate the reception, waiting lounge, and model space, serving as elegant focal
points that guide the visitor’s eye. The design team at Workshop Inc artfully curated a selective material palette, drawing inspiration from the natural surroundings. Local black granite, wood, and metal adorn the space, creating a harmonious and timeless aesthetic.

At the heart of the design lies the circular mass, a space dedicated to entertaining special guests and fostering informal conversations in a private yet casual atmosphere. The openings on either side create a dramatic display of light within the space, while tall, enveloping greens recreate the experience of sitting within a tropical garden. The linear passage connecting all these spaces is defined by the rhythmic order of circular columns. This transition space is designed to offer multiple experiences as one moves along, inviting moments of pause and reflection while enjoying the view of the lush greens, the rippling raindrops in the water, and the dancing light that reflects across the ceiling.

Among the various spaces that compose this architectural marvel, the transparent public pavilion stood out as the most captivating and challenging design endeavor for the team at Workshop Inc. “All the services had to be seamlessly concealed to create a space that is so minimal, that it almost disappears into the surrounding landscape.

Also Read: Terra-Kota House by Terra Firma Architects: Where generations converge in a cuboid embraced by gulmohar trees

Bengaluru is known for offering a rich diversity in open as well as semiopen spaces that are set amidst a lush, tropical landscape. To recreate such a scenario, on a construction site that is bound to get dusty, the challenge was to detail out the exterior glazing in a way that it is as minimal as possible and offers a seamless transition between the inside and the outside spaces,” further elaborates Varun. This architectural masterpiece is a true embodiment of nature’s embrace, inviting visitors to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the beauty that surrounds them.


Location of the project: Whitefield, Bengaluru

Area: 4400 sq ft

Design Team: Keta Shah, Varun Shah, Pratik Latwe, Mauli Jash

Photography courtesy: Studio Kunal Bhatia


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